If anything, be specific.

Jay Wiltshire

There’s nothing worse than an indifferent response.

Feel anything, just as long as you feel. 

But having the absence of emotional response to any piece of work is a brand custodian’s greatest failure.

Indifference is a deathknell.

So to avoid a lack we must to lean into abundance.

To not have a reaction, we need to have specifics.

In the words we choose.
Not just any but the right words.

In the tone we articulate.
Clear and razor-sharp

In the details we accentuate.
Vividly explained, tangible in nature.

In the tiny examples that illustrate our commitment and reason to believe.

In the hopes, fears and deepest human desires we wish to tap into and unlock.

It might not be for everyone – it’s not a popularity contest.

Be unapologetically true in all the right ways.

Because there’s nothing more compelling than specificity.

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