bx in a box

Discover how to bring your brand to life and creat unforgettable moments.

We’re moving back into a world where IRL experiences will matter more than ever.


BX IN A BOX is a tool we’ve created to help you better understand how to bring your brand to life, connecting with your consumers in memorable ways and creating the right spaces to dothat, all without making expensive mistakes.


For both brands and agencies
Which offer portfolios of ideation, design direction, 3D rendering and even fabrication guidance
Drawing on the latest global experiential trends & analysis
Developed as part of a journey that we will guide you through
With in-depth research, insights and opportunities


Interested in a BX IN A BOX for your brand? Then schedule a time or us to take you through it in more detail and we can discuss which BOX is best for you.


How can brand articulation help your brand with what it says and what it does?